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Shopify Design
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Shopify Development
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Webflow Design
When PÜRTREK came to 253 Media, they were looking to build an educational website that made it crystal clear exactly what their unique product was made for.

Areas for Improvement

The main problem with the old PÜRTREK website was a low conversion rate. Add to carts and purchases were low, but time on page was high so it was clear that people were interested and wanted to learn more, but the store was lacking the educational content that was needed for people to complete their purchase.

Our solutions

Education, education, education. That was the name of the game with the all-new PÜRTREK Shopify store. Based on the analytics of the old site, it was clear that the site didn't answer all of the questions that people had when they were shopping. As we designed the new store, we focused on answering shopper's questions throughout the design so people could be confident in ordering their PÜRTREK products. The other major aspect of the new Shopify store was to create an easy to use wholesale system to help PÜRTREK with their retail orders.

Funnel buildout for conversions
Landing pages for specific offers
Custom sections throughout

Key Features

Funnel buildout for conversions
Landing pages for specific offers
Custom sections throughout

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