Perfect White Tee

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Webflow Design
The Perfect White Tee website was good, but not great. The site had the basic foundation built, but lacked numerous sales elements to increase conversions.

Areas for Improvement

The old Perfect White Tee website was built well but needed a revamp to help improve conversions and AOV. Due to these errors, the old site wasn't converting well enough to be very profitable from paid ad scalability.

Our solutions

The freshly revamped Perfect White Tee website was built with content marketing, product value, and AOV in mind. The old site didn't offer much insight into why the brand demands a premium price which made it tough to convert cold  traffic. With an emphasis on improved content, educational information about the fabrics and manufacturing, and numerous AOV boosters such as upsells and shipping thresholds, we were able to help Perfect White Tee find a new level of profitability.

Custom developed sections
Reduced and optimized app stack
Product page expansion

Key Features

Custom developed sections
Reduced and optimized app stack
Product page expansion

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