Farmers Brewing Co.

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Webflow Development
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Shopify Design
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Shopify Development
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Webflow Design
When Farmers Brewing Co. came to us, they needed a site to support a growing e-commerce channel and a new brewery. This complex site also needed to integrate with their inventory and payment processing systems.

Areas for Improvement

Here are the main problem areas we addressed with the old Farmers Brewing Co website:

  • Did not integrate with their inventory, payment processing, and shipping
  • No simple way to add in new beers
  • Outdated and awkward layout that did not have a smooth flow

Our solutions

The old Farmers Brewing Co. website was decent, but needed a lot of work to automate the e-commerce side of the site while adding in a clean and simple CMS for new beers. Because Farmer's Brewing is a unique business that needs to create an incredible user experience for people interested in visiting the brewery or learning about their beers, while having a strong e-commerce platform that integrated with their payment processing and shipping system. To make this happen, we utilized WebFlow and Square and built a fully custom website from the ground up. The new site was designed to be simple to use while having a strong layout to increase SEO and help with craft brewery brand awareness. The new website is able to automate a lot of the manual labor that came from their old e-commerce system, while still making the beer lines easy to update.

Key Features

Here are the key features for the new Farmers Brewing Co website:

  • Highly visual website to help guide people to the information they are looking for
  • Mix of information based CMS for the beers and an e-commerce store for products
  • Custom portal to easily update the website as new beers are released
  • Fully integrated and synced with inventory, payment processing, and shipping systems

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