E-Street MX Park

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Webflow Design
When the E-Street MX crew came to us, they were struggling to maintain and update their Wordpress website, so they turned to 253 Media's powerful Webflow solution.

Areas for Improvement

Here are the main problems with the old E-Street MX Park website:

  • Hard coded so it was very hard to update for the E-Street team
  • Very slow load times
  • Not mobile friendly

Our solutions

Our mission was simple: build an easy to update website that made people want to come out and ride. The old website was slow and clunky and only offered basic track info rather than invoking any emotion from people. Our Webflow design agency went to work to build something that shows just how incredible the E-Street MX Park facility is while making it much more functional. With an easy-update CMS for upcoming races and online registration, the new E-Street MX Park website is more functional than ever beore.

Key Features

Here are the key features of the new E-Street MX Park Webflow website:

  • 100% performance on GTMetrix
  • Trackside integration for online race registration
  • SEO friendly to help people find the track

Ready to become a success story?