
How To Optimize Your Shopify Home Page

By Nicholas Reed
April 9, 2021

When it comes to any Shopify store, the homepage is one of the most heavily trafficked pages, so making sure your homepage is as strong as possible is a great way to improve your overall conversions.

Although every brand is unique and may need different elements or a different flow, this is a great starting point for building a high-performance homepage on Shopify.

Hero Section

The hero section is the first thing that you see before you start scrolling. This is your first impression with your audience so make it good!

To be as strong as possible, your hero section needs to show your audience three things:

  1. Who you are 
  2. What you can do for them
  3. How people can buy your products

By building a hero section with these three elements, you can streamline communication and guide people to your product pages faster. 

In addition to the three elements of a successful hero section, make sure you add in a high-quality brand photo to show people what you can do for them.

Last but not least, add in an engaging pop-up to give people a special offer to join your mailing list. Remember, the better the offer, the higher your sign-up rates will be and the less “invasive and annoying” the pop-up will be.

Educational Content If Needed

If your products are unique or if they have a unique feature and you need to educate your customers on why they need to buy, then it’s a good idea to add a section to give a little more context and information around your brand. 

For example, if you’re selling a supplement, add a section to show why your supplement is the best. 

If you don’t need to educate your customers on what you sell (example: you sell t-shirts), then you might want to skip this section and jump right into the next section!

Best Selling Product Quick Buy

Your best selling product is popular for a reason, because people love it! When you put a quick buy section on your home page with your most popular product, you are giving your customers a faster and easier way to buy from you. 

If they were planning to buy that product, now they don’t need to navigate anywhere else! They can just grab it right away and start the checkout process.

For brands that have a lot of products and collections, you can add in a “Best Selling Collections” section to help people navigate through to those collections easier.


You can tell people how good your products are, but if your customers are saying how good your products are, then they must be good!

Adding in some of your reviews to the home page is a great way to build more trust and value with your customers which will lead to higher conversion rates.

Collection Overview

Now that your customers are a fair way down your homepage, it’s time to get broad and help them navigate to your collections.

Building a section that acts as an overview with multiple thumbnails is a great way to show people what they can expect from each collection while giving them a visual opportunity to click through from the homepage to continue their shopping experience.

R.Swiader Collection Overview Section

Inspiring Lifestyle Section

To break up the site and add some balance after the collection section, build a full width lifestyle section that will be designed to inspire people. The popular premium clothing brand, BYLT Basics, does a fantastic job with this. 

This section will be used to connect with your customers emotionally so that they can see themselves using your products and feel like they need to buy your products.

Newsletter Subscriptions

If people made it all the way to the bottom of your homepage but never clicked through, maybe they just aren’t quite ready to buy yet.

That’s ok for now!

Encourage them to sign up for your newsletter so you can send them special offers down the road and bring them back to your site to continue their shopping experience.


Similarly to your header, your footer needs to contain an easy-to-use menu and your logo. On your footer menu, you should also add in some links to your policies like your shipping and return policies. Depending on space, you can also add in some more text to help with SEO keywords.

Now that you know how to build a homepage on Shopify, it’s time to make it happen!

As you build your website, keep in mind that every brand is unique and may need different elements throughout the site. This resource was created to act as a baseline for the average website.

If you’re not sure what you need on your homepage, get in touch with the 253 Media team and one of our team members will point you in the right direction!

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